Coping With Appetite Loss and Food Fatigue on Dialysis

Dialysis patients frequently experience food fatigue, which is characterized by a decline in appetite and mealtime enjoyment. Dietary constraints associated with dialysis, such as limitations on sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, might make this more difficult. Patients may notice that their typical favourites lose their attraction as a result, which could lower their appetite and nutrient… Continue reading Coping With Appetite Loss and Food Fatigue on Dialysis

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Seasonal care for dialysis patients: Managing health during winter

Winter for many is the most wonderful time of the year but it can also bring thermoregulation challenges for patients on dialysis. Cold weather, shorter daylight hours, and strenuous activities during festivities can all impact one’s overall well-being.  Here are some quick measures to help dialysis guests stay healthy and joyful throughout the winter season.… Continue reading Seasonal care for dialysis patients: Managing health during winter

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The role of spices in the diets of dialysis patients

When it comes to managing kidney disease or navigating life on dialysis, the role of food in supporting health and well-being cannot be overstated. While we often think of spices merely as flavour enhancers, they hold a wealth of benefits that can significantly impact kidney health. Beyond simply enhancing the taste of our meals, these… Continue reading The role of spices in the diets of dialysis patients

Cooking Methods For Renal Diet

There are many cooking methods, each offering unique benefits and techniques for preparing food. -Wet/Moist heat cooking methods -Dry heat cooking methods -Combination cooking methods Wet cooking methods involve cooking food with moisture, either through boiling, steaming, simmering, pressure cooking, poaching, or blanching. These methods can be particularly useful for a renal diet, which requires… Continue reading Cooking Methods For Renal Diet

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Hydration Myths: How Much Water Should Dialysis Patients Drink?

We all know how hydration is crucial for maintaining overall health. However, fluid management becomes complicated for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing dialysis. One of the most common questions of dialysis guests is: How much water should one actually drink? Let’s debunk a few hydration myths and explore what’s safe and healthy for… Continue reading Hydration Myths: How Much Water Should Dialysis Patients Drink?

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Management of Micronutrients Loss During Dialysis

In general both the deficiency and excess of any element in the body can affect health. When the kidney function declines or completely absent the balance of various substance in the body gets disrupted leading to serious complications. ESRD is usually associated with a state of oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, antioxidant depletion and imbalance of… Continue reading Management of Micronutrients Loss During Dialysis

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Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Kidney Transplants on Other Organs

A kidney transplant is a transformative, life-saving procedure that offers relief from the challenges of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or chronic kidney disease (CKD). While it restores vital kidney function and allows patients to live more freely, it’s important to recognise that if the health is not managed correctly, post-transplantation can have long-term effects on… Continue reading Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Kidney Transplants on Other Organs

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Mushrooms for Dialysis Patient

Mushrooms are considered a superfood, composed of approximately 90% water. They are the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting bodies of fungi, typically growing above ground on soil or their food sources. Mushrooms are not only tasty but also healthy, often referred to as the “meat” of the vegetable world. While all edible mushrooms provide essential nutrients, there… Continue reading Mushrooms for Dialysis Patient

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