Onion as Super Food in Renal Diet

Onions are super foods. Consuming raw onion has numerous health benefits as they are packed with vitamins A, B6, C, and E, as well as iron. Onions are rich in dietary fibre, which can help lower high creatinine levels. They also contain a good amount of folic acid, which is important for managing creatinine levels.… Continue reading Onion as Super Food in Renal Diet

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Understanding Kidney Failure: Signs and Implications

Kidney failure, or renal failure, is a silent danger that we don’t see coming. When kidney fails, they lose their ability to filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood, leading to serious consequences. Therefore, managing such conditions before it’s too late is crucial. In this blog, we will discuss the potential signs of… Continue reading Understanding Kidney Failure: Signs and Implications

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Effective Strategies for Managing a Full – Time Job While on Dialysis

Many people believe that only the elderly experience kidney conditions. This is not true; even young people can have kidney conditions and may need to undergo dialysis sessions. However, the question arises, how do they manage their daily lives while on dialysis? While managing personal and professional lives on dialysis can be challenging it is… Continue reading Effective Strategies for Managing a Full – Time Job While on Dialysis

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Exercise For Kidney Patients – A Must to Stay Healthy

Exercise is beneficial for everyone irrespective of whether their kidneys are functioning or not. It keeps the body fit and an often ignored benefit is its positive impact on the mind. A dialysis lifestyle with limited physical activity can increase the risk of depression, high blood pressure, weakened immune function, heart disease and swelling in… Continue reading Exercise For Kidney Patients – A Must to Stay Healthy

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Self-Care Tips for Dialysis Guests

Living with dialysis requires more than just managing one’s physical health; it encompasses mental, emotional, and social well-being, too. Although dialysis guests focus strongly on physical well-being, prioritizing self-care is equally necessary. Here are some useful self-care tips for dialysis guests that are beyond health-related aspects and can improve one’s overall quality of life: Emotional… Continue reading Self-Care Tips for Dialysis Guests

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Lifestyle factors that can be secret contributors to kidney stones

While individuals with CKD or those undergoing dialysis are often more aware of their kidney health, the general population may not prioritize it as much. However, even the general population is at risk for Nephrolithiasis or kidney stones. These are small, hard deposits of mineral and acid salts that can form in the kidneys, causing… Continue reading Lifestyle factors that can be secret contributors to kidney stones

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Essential Tips for Dialysis Guests During Heatwaves

Summer is a season of beachy adventures, tropical fruits, ice cream, water parks, and much more! However, it is also a season of soaring temperatures. When heat waves become more frequent, staying cool and comfortable can be challenging, especially for individuals undergoing dialysis therapy. Many problems such as dehydration, infections, and heatstroke can be caused… Continue reading Essential Tips for Dialysis Guests During Heatwaves

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Understanding Cardiovascular Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease

Although it is widely known that CKD primarily impacts kidney function; most people don’t know that CKD also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). CKD and CVD may appear to have no connection at all, but in reality, one affects the other.In CKD, the kidney’s ability to filter waste and excess fluids from the… Continue reading Understanding Cardiovascular Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease

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Gourds For Healthy Kidney

Gourds are the Gods of vegetables for kidney diseases. These gourds are low in sodium and potassium content. Hence, they are ideal for consumption for people with kidney disorders. Gourd vegetables play an important role in dialysis condition.  People on dialysis often face dietary restrictions that aim to manage electrolyte levels, control blood pressure, and reduce… Continue reading Gourds For Healthy Kidney

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