Preventing Kidney Stones: Lifestyle and Hydration

We may all have encountered a family member, friend, or individual who has suffered from kidney stones, and undoubtedly they must have shared how awfully it was to experience. Apart from CKD and dialysis guests, the most common kidney issue we encounter is kidney stones. This article discusses kidney stones and their effects. This information is not relevant to individuals with CKD or undergoing dialysis.

Kidney stones are hard deposits formed in the kidneys that are made from minerals and salts. The size and composition vary, from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball – every kidney stone is excruciatingly painful. However, kidney stones can be prevented with healthy lifestyle changes and adequate hydration. Once you understand the causes of kidney stones, you can easily reduce the risk of developing them and enjoy better kidney health.

Why is hydration important ?

Water helps to break down the minerals in your body, diluting the urine. When you drink less water, the concentration of minerals in your urine increases, which ultimately crystallises into stones. The human body needs at least 8 glasses (about 2 litres) of water per day, and if someone lives in a hot climate zone or engages in heavy physical activities, they need more.

How to prevent Kidney Stones:

    • Adequate Hydration: Make water your best friend. You have to make sure you drink a sufficient amount of water daily and throughout the day. Set a reminder if you need and carry a water bottle with you. Herbal teas and fruit juices are also good for your hydration.
    • Control Sodium Intake: We consume sodium daily without noticing. Processed food, canned food, fast food and salt have high sodium levels. This increases the calcium levels in urine, increasing the risk of stones. Hence, switch to home-cooked meals and avoid salt as much as possible
    • Consume Calcium-Rich Foods: Astonishingly, calcium can reduce the risk of kidney stones. Calcium binds oxalate in the intestines, which prevents its absorption in the bloodstream. Therefore, include calcium-rich foods and fruits in your diet, such as spinach, broccoli, almonds etc. However, always consult your dietician before making adjustments to your diet. 
    • Control Animal Protein: Although protein is essential for your body, consuming high animal protein increases the chance of kidney stones by increasing uric acid and calcium levels in the urine. Try to substitute animal protein with plant-based protein options. NephroPlus has amazing renal-friendly recipes for you. Click here to try them. 
    • Avoid Sugar: Any sugary foods and beverages can lead to kidney stone formation. Substitute your sugar cravings with natural fruits and fruit juices.
    • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity is one of the factors for kidney disease. You can maintain a healthy weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Kidney stones can be prevented by making some lifestyle changes and prioritising the hydration in our bodies. We must remember that kidneys are one of the most essential organs in our bodies. Your kidneys not only remove wastes and extra fluids from your body, but they also act as a filter for your blood, maintain fluid in your body, help to make red blood cells and vitamin D, and control blood pressure! No organ can work properly without kidneys. Therefore, it is crucial to take care of them. 

NephroPlus knows how important it is to keep your kidneys healthy. To contact us for any queries related to your kidney health, you can click here.