Have you ever wondered why Yoga has transcended over centuries as a tradition in our culture? Aside from its spiritual significance, it was religiously practised to improve our health and fitness. While Yoga strengthens and enhances your physical state, it also works wonders for your physiology and the health of your organ systems through simple combinations of composed movements and breathing.
For starters, consider its impact on kidney health. The primary function of your kidneys is to filter out waste materials, toxins and water from your blood. Additionally, your kidneys perform other functions such as regulating blood pressure, promoting circulation, and maintaining fluid balances. As does Yoga!
At NephroPlus, we believe that a healthy lifestyle and a good diet improve overall well-being and health. There are many healthy practices that one can engage in to promote well-being and prevent health risks. That said, it is essential to know that a physical activity such as Yoga not only improves your body shape but also aids physiological health and eases the load on our organs.
Yoga is composed of Asanas, breathing exercises and meditation techniques. The benefits are multifold- fitness, flexibility, balance and mobility and most importantly stress and anxiety.
How Yoga works for kidney health
While any form of exercise is good for raising the body’s metabolism, yoga can help on multiple levels. Yoga is known to promote relaxation in the mind and body. It also assists in managing water retention in the body, enabling better sleep. A well-rested body is more equipped to perform functions like stabilising the heartbeat and keeping the blood pressure in check. Maintaining blood pressure helps improve kidney functioning in the long run.
Yoga keeps the organs fit, balances the various systems in the body, and effectively regulates stress on the body and mind. Some of the yoga asanas facilitate internal cleansing rituals that ensure the flushing out of toxins from the body. Yoga promotes the circulation of blood and oxygen to various parts of the body, keeping them energised.
Let us look at some effective Yoga asanas that help improve kidney health and overall well being
1.Bhujangasana or Cobra pose

The cobra pose promotes the health of the abdominal organs and relieves the body of stress and fatigue. It is known to improve immunity. The cobra pose also increases the mobility of the spine, strengthens spinal support muscles, and can help relieve back pain. It may reduce inflammation and improve posture & sleep health.
2. Salamba Bhujangasana or Sphinx pose

The sphinx pose expands and contracts the abdominal organs, improving their function. It enhances the immunity of the body. The sphinx pose also strengthens the gluteus muscles, which help support the pelvis, hips, and spine.
3. Setu Bandhasana or Bridge pose

The bridge pose gently stretches your abdomen, chest, shoulders, back, glutes, thighs, and ankles. It is often used to correct slouching or improper posture. The bridge pose activates the abdominal organs. Performing this pose regulates your blood pressure to optimum levels. It also lowers cortisol levels in the body. It improves digestion and helps rejuvenate tired legs.
4. Naukasana or Boat pose

The boat pose opens the chest and engages the core muscles, hip flexors and hamstrings. It improves flexibility and helps alleviate tightness in the hamstrings which can potentially lead to injury. The boat pose stimulates the abdominal organs, preventing indigestion and stress in the body.
5. Paschimottanasana or Two-legged forward bend

The two-legged forward bend stretches the hamstrings, the back of the legs and the entire spine. It gently massages the internal organs. It helps prevent digestive issues such as constipation and indigestion. It also activates the kidney and liver function while improving the body’s immunity.
6. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Sitting Half Spinal Twist

The sitting half spinal twist stimulates the kidneys and liver and enhances immunity. It also improves the flexibility of the spine, strengthens the spinal nerves and improves the overall functioning of the spinal cord. It stretches the lateral muscles on one side of the body and compresses the muscles on the other side. It is known to relieve back pain and stiffness from between the vertebrae. This pose is especially useful for slipped disc injuries.
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle practice and a great addition to your daily routine. It helps stimulate all the muscles in your body and regulates your breathing. Yoga strengthens the connection between the body and the mind and has a holistic impact on your well-being & lifestyle. Yoga has a broad range of practices, most of which have their own unique benefits. Today, you have access to several experts on the subject and can find the right form of Yoga that suits your holistic needs. It is advisable to do yoga under a trained yoga expert. If you have any medical condition, do consult with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen including Yoga.